News from the church 19/03/2022

Lent Notices Church_news News_about_our_building Community_news


Easter Lilies Forms are available for Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones. Please complete and return to the Parish Office by 26th March, please. The cost is, still, £5. Thank you. 

Seder Meal There will be a traditional Jewish Passover meal on Saturday 1 April at 7.00pm in the church hall, in preparation for Holy week. Please sign the list at the back of church if you’d like to come. There is no charge, but donations are welcome. 

Thursday Mass There will be no mass on Thursday this week as Fr Julian is, once, more, delivering a training day for the diocese in Wells.

 Chrism Mass this year will be at Exeter Cathedral on Tuesday 4 April at 11.00am. This will be the first time the Bishop of Oswestry will celebrate the Chrism with his clergy and people. Do please come along. 

Sunday Raffle We are most grateful to Liz and Wendy for organising the weekly raffle. It would be most helpful to plan the prizes, so if you are able to give a modest prize for the Sunday Raffle, please sign the list at the back of church. Thank you. 

Stamps for RNIB. Please don’t forget to recycle the stamps from your post into the box at the back of the church. Thank you. 

Jam Jars Alys Williams would be very grateful for clean jam jars (12oz/1 lb) as it’s Seville orange season, and she will kindly be making marmalade for church funds. 

Concert at the Good Shepherd An afternoon of romantic songs and popular favourites with professional tenor, Gregory Steward. Tickets £10 to include refreshments. 

Sunday, 30 April The new Bishop of Oswestry will be at The Good Shepherd for the Sung Mass, and we shall be joining our friends for their patronal festival. Please sign the list if you’d like to stay for lunch afterwards. Thank you. 

DON’T FORGET! Clocks go FORWARD by one hour on Saturday night! Don’t get to church an hour late next Sunday!