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Getting here
The church is part of the South Quantocks United Benefice of West Monkton, Kingston St.Mary, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Broomfield.
The Benefice Office at Kingston St.Mary is open Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings 9.30am - 1.30 pm
For Baptism and Wedding enquiries please contact Michele in the Benfice Office :01823 451257
1st Sunday of month:
8am BCP communion at Kingston St Mary
10am Communion at West Monkton (Nov 5th Benefice service in Kingston with Bishop Ruth)
10am Family Service at Kingston (term time only)
11am Family Service at Broomfield
2nd sunday of month
8am BCP communion at West Monkton
10am Communion at Kingston (See below for 12th November changes of service times for Remembrance Sunday)
10am Family Service at Cheddon (as above)
6pm Evening Prayer at West Monkton
3rd Sunday of Month
8am BCP communion at Kingston
10am Communion at West Monkton
11am Communion at Broomfield
4th Sunday of month
8am BCP communion at West Monkton
10am Communion at Cheddon (United Benefcie service 26th November at Cheddon)
10am Communion at Kingston (See above for November)
10am Family Service at West Monkton (NO family service in November)
6pm Evening Prayer at Broomfield
5th Sunday of month
10.00am United Benefice Service (rotates around te churches - 29th October at Broomfield church)
6pm Healing Service at Kingston
Special Services & Events for October and November
8th October 11.00am Harvest Service at Cheddon Fitzpaine followed by lunch
1st Nov All Saints Day - communion at The Rectory, West Monkton 2.00pm
2nd Nov All Souls Day 6.30pm - Non-communion service in West Monkton church - an opportunity to light a candle and to put a memory card on the tree of remembrance in the church - all are welcome
12th Nov Remembrance Sunday Services: 10.00am Cheddon; 10.50am Kingston and West Monkton
10.00am 'Act of Remembrance' at Broomfield
In addition there is an afternoon communion communion on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month aimed in particular at those who find it diffuclt to attend on a Sunday.
1st Weds of the month 2.00pm at The Rectory, West Monkton
3rd Weds of the month 2.00pm - at Chatri, Lyngford Lane
Cheddon Fitzpaine
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