
If you would like to get married in one of the Quantock Towers Churches please do get in touch and we will be pleased to help you to make the arrangements. You can contact Rev Nicky Morgan ([email protected]) and/or our administrator Helen Greenwood ([email protected]).

It’s best to make this contact around the same time as you contact or visit your reception venue, so you can synchronize the dates. There are a couple of important reasons to have this conversation in good time: it will ensure the vicar has time to advise you about the legal requirements for marrying at the church – some circumstances require legal preliminaries that take time to process. Also, churches can become booked up for weddings several months in advance, or there could be other things happening like community events at the church on or around your preferred date.

When you first make contact with a church, as well as discussing practical things like dates, it will be the start of a special relationship, particularly with the priest if you don’t already know them.

The priest will be delighted to hear from you and will want to meet you both. The first meeting with the priest will help them confirm the basic requirements and give you a chance to ask questions. Keep in touch with the church by going along to services from time to time. You will always be welcome and will be able to get to know the people there. 

To find out more about church weddings, please click here.