Related Churches
St Margaret's Spaxton
St. Margaret’s Church has a long and history of worship and a happy albeit small community of regular worshippers .
We are a friendly group and wellcome everyone with much faith or little.
Visitors to our church are many and from all over the world and they admire the old building where generations of people from Saxon times onwards have worshipped . The beautiful pew ends show working people and also fantastic beasts and people.
Some join our services , others come for prayer and reflections ,some come sightseeing. All are welcome!
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Kilve
St Mary the Virgin, STRINGSTON
The parish church of St Mary, the Virgin, has stood in the village for well over 800 years, although it has received modernisation and refurbishment during the past two centuries.
Services are always held in the church on the first and fourth Sundays of the month, with a combined celebration of Holy Communion, with Holford & Kilve, on the second Sunday, (three month rotation). On the third Sunday we celebrate a Cafe Style Worship, which in winter is held in local homes, and in the summer is in the church or outdoors.
For many years we have held a Parish Picnic in the summer, usually the second Sunday in August.
Our regular services are all at 11:00am and we most warmly welcome all who are in the area to come a join us in joyful worship. Our singing is quite robust!!
All Saints
Welcome to Aisholt Church
St Edward, King & Martyr
For general information about the church feel free to use the contact information below. However, for information about the possibility of booking a wedding in St Edwards - as opposed to its facilities or coming to see the church - please contact the Benefice Administrator , Alison Hoare preferably by email [email protected] or tel: (01278) 732 855.
For details about the whole benefice and further contact information use the benefice website. Quantock Villages Benefice
Benefice Rector, Rev Eleanor King, tel: (01278) 734 777 email: [email protected]
St Michael and All Angels, Enmore
Welcome to Enmore Church
St Peter & St Paul
Welcome to the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul Over Stowey, a traditional village church and a place of worship for over a thousand years. Services are held here every Sunday, with coffee and refreshments offered after the 9.30am services. Our worship is drawn equally from the book of common prayer, and more contemporary liturgies. All visitors are warmly welcomed at our services.
The church is open every day. We invite you to stay, rest a while, soak up the atmosphere and if you wish, leave requests for prayer.
If you love old buildings and have an interest in history, there are many notable features to enjoy, including Burne-Jones windows, mediaeval bench ends, a magnificent brass candelabrum and a fine set of six bells.
St Mary's, Nether Stowey
Welcome to St Mary's, Nether Stowey
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