Christmas with St Edward's Church, Goathurst

Advent christmas

Everyone is invited to decorate the tree at the lychgate with their own, or one from the porch.

Sunday 1st December at 4pm: Christingle Service in the church (followed by refreshments). Families and ALL ages are welcome.

Monday 23rd at 4pm: Crib Service. Meet at the church at 3.45pm and follow the star with us to the stable (a short walk). You might like to wear ‘suitable headgear’ -will you come as a shepherd, king or angel?

Tuesday 24th at 7pm: Carol Service in the church.

Followed by mulled wine and mince pies.

Wednesday 25th at 9.30am: Christmas Day

Holy Communion

Please watch the noticeboard for any updates in case changes to this schedule are necessary.