Related Churches
St Mary Magdalene, Withiel Florey
The beautiful hamlet of Withiel Florey has only a handful of residents, and yet, each month anywhere from 12 to 25 people gather in this beautiful little church for worship. The church sits in a small plot of land amongst farm buildings and to find it takes perseverance, but you will not be disappointed when you do.
More information can be gained from the Benefice website at
St John the Baptist, Skilgate
The village of Skilgate, also set in the Brendon Hills, is a small supportive rural community, and like the other parishes in this benefice, has farming at its heart. The church, dedicated to St John the Baptist has a loyal congregation who gather 2-3 times a month for worship in a variety of styles. Off the beaten track its a great place, once discovered, to sit and think in the silence of the countryside.
More information can be gained from the Benefice website at
St James Church, Upton
You can find out all about our Church community, what's going on, news, the parish magazine, weekly pew sheet, photos of recent events, how to contact us and be in touch, and a whole lot more by visiting:
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Brompton Regis
The parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is at the heart of the village of Brompton Regis, in the south east corner of the Exmoor National Park. It dates from Norman times and was built by monks from a nearby Cistercian Abbey. Details of its history - including restoration of our historic organ in 2014 and more recently a major repair and conservation project on the 13th c. tower - can be found on the village website, . We are part of the Dulverton benefice of six churches. The small and very rural church of St Mary Magdalene at Withiel Florey is an associated chapel, governed by the same PCC as Brompton Regis.
More information can be gained from the Benefice website at
All Saints' Church, Dulverton
Dulverton has 1500 residents and is the only town in the benefice. It sits on the edge of the Exmoor National Park, and is a popular holiday desitination for those looking to explore the park and surrounding countryside.
The current church was built in the 19th century on the foundations of a much older building. With the exception of St George's Church, Dunster, All Saints', Dulverton is the largest church on Exmoor. We are a welcoming and inclusive congregation and look forward to meeting you.
More information can be gained from the Benefice website at
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