Easter Eucharist

for 1 hour
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Brompton Regis
Brompton Regis, TA229NN, United Kingdom

Easter Eucharist at Brompton Regis

St Mary Magdalene, Withiel Florey

The beautiful hamlet of Withiel Florey has only a handful of residents, and yet, each month anywhere from 12 to 25 people gather in this beautiful little church for worship. The church sits in a small plot of land amongst farm buildings and to find it takes perseverance, but you will not be disappointed when you do.

More information can be gained from the Benefice website at https://www.dulvertonbenefice.org.uk/

Get in touch

The Revd Dowell Conning

The Vicarage, High Street,

TA22 9DW
01398 322867
What's on

Easter Eucharist

for 1 hour
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Brompton Regis
Brompton Regis, TA229NN, United Kingdom

Easter Eucharist at Brompton Regis

Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.


Here in our benefice of five parishes (six churches) we take safeguarding the vulnerable very seriously.

We have adopted the diocesan safeguarding policy which you can find on our website.

You can also find the Church of England House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook by visiting our website.

We have also a safeguarding representative, Steve Ford, [email protected]. Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, by clicking on the button below.

Contact Diocesan Safeguarding Team