Ways to Give

Recognising God's generosity and modelling something of the spirit of God to the world, sits at the heart of our Christian discipleship.  It is because of the generosity of individuals now, and in the past, that The Minster stands proudly at the centre of the town, serving the community as a place of worship, an important historical building - that tells us something about the generations that have gone before us - and as a place of celebration and support for individuals and families through life's highs and lows.

None of the activities you see listed on our website would be possible, without the generous gifts of time, talent and money.  Currently, just 1% of the Ilminster population give a regular financial gift to The Minster but, as possibly the oldest charity in Ilminster, we depend upon your support to continue all that we do.

There are a variety of ways to give and all are equally valued.

If you would like to discuss how you could offer your time and talents to the life of the church here, please contact the office in the first instance.  

To explore the various ways in which you can give financially to support our ministry and mission, including the care of our historic Minster, please visit our Ways to Give webpage.