for 2 hours, 45 mins
Venue Address
Fivehead Taunton, TA3 6PQ, United Kingdom
Fivehead & Swell Harvest Lunch 12.15pm for 12.30pm on 13th October to be held at Fivehead Village Hall.

St Martin's, Fivehead

SAFEGUARDING - This parish takes the wellbeing and safety of the children and vulnerable adults that attend our church very seriously. If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern, please contact either the Church Office on 01458 251375, or Mrs Jo Greatwich our safeguarding officer by phone on 07905 669 880 or by email at [email protected].

Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01749 685135 and find more information on their website: https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/diocese/safeguarding 

Get in touch

Rev'd. Mark McKnight - Curate

N/a during the vacancy/interregnum.

Rev'd. Mark McKnight - Curate
01458 251375
Trish Allen - Church Warden
01460 281674
What's on


for 2 hours, 45 mins
St Martin's, Fivehead
Fivehead Taunton, TA3 6PQ, United Kingdom

Fivehead & Swell Harvest Lunch 12.15pm for 12.30pm on 13th October to be held at Fivehead Village Hall.