On Saturday 26th June 2021, in the Cathedral Church of St Andrew, Wells , Philip Albrow was ordained priest by Bishop Ruth Worsley.The sun shone and it was a joyous occasion despite Covid restrictions.There was organ music, a choir and high ceremony and deep prayer.There were fifteen ordinands, so the Cathedral was as full as regulations would allow. Philip was allowed ten supporters to attend as well as Reverend Phil Denison who presented him and Reverend Tim Gibson who had trained him. An extract from a message from the Bishop of Taunton:As the Bishop who is ordaining today, I have the humbling task of leading the laying on of hands and the anointing that signify God's calling of a woman or a man to the priestly ministry of his Church. But as fellow -worshippers and supporters, you have the task of holding these priests in prayer.You may know them well, and I hope you will continue to support them- both in prayer and in practical ways - as they embark upon the ministry God called them to.The Isle Valley Benefice warmly welcomes Reverend Philip and wish him every good wish for his ministry.
All are welcome to attend our annual meeting which is to be held May 18th, 2.00pm in Church.Usual safety measures apply.
Reverend Phil has organised a regular Zoom service which is proving very popular. For details please contact Rev. Phil Denison e mail: denisonphil15@hotmail.com orSarah Crook (Administrator) e mail: islevalleybenefice@outlook.comPlease see Services and events.