Weekly Update for the Parishes 6th January 2023

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Dear all

Happy New Year! Happy Epiphany! Happy Christmas!

Today, 6th January, is the feast of the Epiphany for many Christians, including us Anglicans. For many Orthodox Christians, today is actually Christmas Day! In fact Christmas Day is also celebrated by some Christians on 7 January, and by others on the 19th... These various different dates coming about because of the different calendar 'systems' that have been adopted around the world.

These variances are a reminder that actually God is bigger than a date, and the birth of Jesus is an event that speaks into our lives from outside our own sense of time and space. We may now be putting away the decorations, but actually the celebration of Christmas is only just beginning... This is what Epiphany is all about - the revelation; the realisation; of something new, something profound, something life changing. It is the season that we celebrate the arrival of the Magi, the Wise Men, at the nativity, bearing their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. We are told that having visited the Christ-child that they returned home 'a different way' (Matt 2:12). Perhaps we might view that as being deeper than just the route taken; but also as the different spiritual path they now tread having been in the very presence of God incarnate.

We too tread that path in the season of Epiphany. If Christmas is to really mean anything then we must take the presence of God in our lives to heart and allow him to show us now how to live in that light.

Just before Christmas I was sitting in St John's in the late afternoon on a particularly dreary day. I was about to lock up so the lights were all off and it was as grey inside as it was out. Suddenly there was a beam of light through the south windows as the sun briefly broke through the heavy cloud and rain. The beam shone directly at the central fifth candle in the Advent wreath which, being white, appeared to light up as a beacon in the dimness. It was a vivid reminder of that wonderful verse we hear so often at Christmas, and we should carry close to our hearts into Epiphany; 'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it' (John 1:5).

As we travel in the light of Christ beyond the nativity, look for the glimpses of God's presence in the everyday - and be prepared to be surprised, to enter into the time of Epiphany.

Services for Sunday 8th January (Epiphany Sunday)

8am - BCP Holy Communion, St Stephen's Winsham. Rev'd Philip

10am - Morning Worship, St Mary's Thorncombe. Lay led

10:30am - Holy Communion, St Michael & All Angels Chaffcombe. Rev'd Philip

Hop to it!

Reverend Michelle is preparing for a skipping challenge to raise money for Cancer Research! During February she will attempt to do 100 skips with a skipping rope everyday. If you would like to support her please see this link: Michelle's Skipping Challenge Giving Page (cancerresearchuk.org)


Please hold in your prayers all you know who are struggling in any way, in body, mind or spirit. We are asked to pray by name for:

Dave Boyland; Terri Boyland; Sheila Clement; Wendy Cotton; Hannah Knott; Jan Knott; Mary Marsh; Tony Taylor; Margaret Bandy; Dorothy White, Tony Meech, Di Nicholls, Hester Down, Stella Hutchison; Oskar Lee; Margaret Shields; Andrew de Pury.

We remember all those whom we love but see no longer, especially at this time Jim Tucker, Margaret Bowditch, Amy Barr, and Vernon Martin. We hold all those who are bereaved in our prayers.

We pray in thanks for those preparing for Baptism. In particular Olivia-Rose and Darcey who are being baptised in the Benefice this month.

Collect for Epiphany

Creator of the heavens,
who led the Magi by a star
to worship the Christ-child:
guide and sustain us,
that we may find our journey’s end
in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Blessings all


The Reverend Philip Butcher

Rector - Two Shires Benefice (Tatworth, Thorncombe, Winsham, Chaffcombe & Cricket Malherbie)

The Vicarage

3 Home Farm



TA20 2SH

01460 221286

PASTORAL EMAILS - please to: [email protected]

HOME PRAYER & WORSHIP: https://twoshires.wordpress.com

Rest Days - Mondays (Tuesdays where following a bank holiday)

For non-urgent enquiries please allow up to a week for responses.

Mornings are best times for phone contact!