About Us

St Mary Magdalene Church is situated in Cricket Malherbie and is the focal point of the community and the only place of Worship.  It is run as a Festival Church, and as such enjoys worship on special occasions and major Christian festivals rather than regular worship every week.

The Church dates from 1852, built on a former site and is Grade 2* listed. It will accommodate sixty worshippers comfortably. The inner fabric is well maintained and in good order, as are the churchyard, grounds and the wild meadow.

The congregation is small, regular and committed, with children attending morning service with their parents. Common worship, modern language and informal family worship are in use. There is a regular organist. Attendances at the  special  services: Christingle, Christmas Eve, Easter, Mothering Sunday and Harvest Thanksgiving are excellent and fill the Church. There are no clergy living in the hamlets and the dedicated Ministry Team officiate at all services.

We support the following charities: Farm Africa, Water Aid, The Children's Society and the Diocesan Church Growth fund.

Cricket Malherbie with Knowle St Giles are rural hamlets with a population consisting of forty six properties, eighty four adults and ten children. There are no shops, public houses or schools and no public transport. It is a mixed community of working and retired residents with agriculture as the main activity.

Arrangements for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals: Please contact Rev. Philip Butcher Rev. Michelle Butcher on 01460 221286

Here is the Link to the Church of England webpage for Weddings - https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/weddings

and for Christenings - https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/christenings

and for funerals - https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/funerals