Worship Resources


On this page you will find a number of resources and downloads so that you can participate in the  worshipping life of the church on-line.

Morning Prayer

The Morning Prayer service can be downloaded here

You can join Charles Wolferstan and others on Monday. at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer - click here 

You can join Jeff Gardner and others via Zoom on Wednesday at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer - click here 

You can join Chris Archer and others via Zoom on Fridays at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer  - click here 

If you want to follow the daily Bible readings, they are listed here for the next month:

Saturday 1st February
Psalm 68
Hosea 8
1 Corinthians 12. 1-11

Sunday 2nd February
Hebrews 2. 14-end
Luke 2. 22-40

Other Resources

Prayer for the day audio and text and Alexa and Google Home smart speaker apps which you can access here

Excellent daily devotional App, "Lectio 365", which you can get here.

Morning_Prayer, PDF
