About Us




We love welcoming families to Holy Trinity Church which is a very popular venue for Christenings.  Please contact  the church secretary Coral Tucker on 07786438339.   


Holy Trinity is partnered with St Hugh's Church, Durleigh. Click here for the St Hugh's website.

Holy Trinity is a Church of England church with a warm and loving church community.  Our church is a welcoming and inclusive place, and our ministry extends beyond the church building aiming to demonstrate and share the love of Christ in the wider community. 

The purpose of our church building and community is for the worship and praise of God and for celebrating
the love of Christ in our community.

Our mission is to welcome all to share God's love by means of:
• Being available to each other and to our wider community.
• Being open:- open to God; open hearted, inclusive and welcoming to others; having an open church building (as far as is reasonably possible).
• Being encouraging.
• Forming relationships resulting in a sense of community in which there is mutual support.

Have a look at our picture gallery (click on "Photos" in menu) to see some of the things we get up to!

Holy Trinity Church was built in 1961 and is located in Hamp Street, Bridgwater

We are a growing church with a small number of children and we are always delighted to welcome visitors and newcomers.

The parish supports the work of TEAR Fund, the Children's Society and Christian Aid

The parish covers South Bridgwater and four schools.

The church will hold up to 200 people for services. The church building makes an excellent venue for concerts, plays, rehearsals, exhibitions, etc.  We welcome its use by the wider community and it is available for hire for suitable uses (at the discretion of the PCC ).  If you would like to use the church for your activity, please contact  Coral Tucker church secretary on 07786439339 .


For all church related enquiries including weddings and Christenings please contact  the church secretary :Coral Tucker on 07786439339  

The Bridgwater Branch of the Mothers Union is based at Holy Trinity Church. For Mothers Union business only, please contact the Bridgwater Branch Leader, Karen Yerbury on 07434 361277 .                                                                     HOME