Welcome to Christ Church.
The fourth Sunday in Epiphany celebrates the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, and the revelation by Simeon that Jesus is the light of the world. Because of this, it was traditional to bring beeswax candles to church to be blessed, so the service is known as Candlemas.
This Sunday we celebrate the last Sunday in Epiphany with a service of Morning Worship at 10-30 am. and this is followed by light refreshments as we continue our fellowship and exchange news of those we care about.
For those unable to come to this service, Astrid has prepared a sermon which is available on You Tube at
https://youtu.be/3SXOf3tWx3YThe link becomes live for you to watch on Sunday morning and a copy of her sermon can be downloaded nelow
Our Readings this week are
Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14- 18 Jesus took on physical form to experience human life and temptations
Luke Chapter 2 verses 22-40 Jesus is presented in the temple and is recognised as The Messiah by Simeon and Anna
GOD OUR FATHER, whose Son was revealed to Simeon and Anna as the light of the nations and the glory of Israel: grant that, guided by thy Holy Spirit, we may live by the light of faith until we come to the light of glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.