Trinity 19

NineteenthSundayAfterTrinityYrBMark10WhoIsWelcome06102024.docx Download

Welcome to Christ Church.

This Sunday, is the nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, and we celebrate this with a service of Morning Worship at 10.30 am at Christ Church. Aftyter the service we will enjoy light refreshments in the Church Room as we catch up on the news of the week

For those unable to attend this service, Astrid has prepared a sermon which becomes live on Sunday Morning, so please click on the link below. A copy of her sermon can be downloaded from our news section.

Our readings are

Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1-4 and Chepter 2 verses 5-12

Mark Chapter 10 verses 2-16 Is it right for a man to divorce his wife?

Loving Lord,
You know our every weakness, every dark corner of our souls, every place of sadness and badness and fear.
You see the hidden hurts and the scars of years. You see our failings and our longings. Our sin.
All these you see.
For all these you died.
Thank you
