Eighth Sunday after Trinity

EighthSundayAfterTrinityYrBMark6GodAsShepherd21072024.docx Download

Welcome to Christ Church.

This Sunday, the eighth Sunday after Trinity, we celebrate Christ's presence with a service of Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m..

Foillowing the service, we will enjoy light refreshments in the church room as we catch up on the week's news, and make plans for the future.

For those unable to attend this service, Astrid has prepared a sermon which becomes live on Sunday Morning, so please click on the link below. A copy of her sermon can be downloaded from our news section.


Our readings are

Jeremiah Chapter 23 verses 1-6 The Righteous Branch

Mark Chapter 6 verses 40-34 and 53-56, Jesus feeds the Five Thousand and heal;s the sick in Gennesaret

These verses emphasize Jesus’ identity as the true, divine shepherd, who will guide his sheep into the kingdom; and the nature of that kingdom, through healings that disrupt the economy of this world. Jesus both recognises the need for rest and for recuperation, but also realises the urgency of the need for healing. The needs of the people are immediate, and need addressing. Summer is the time for us to take a holiday, but we cannot shrug off the urgency of redemption. We need to bring God's kingdom to our neighbours here and now!
