Welcome to Christ Church. Sunday 24th November is The Festival of Christ the King, the last day in the church Year and our Patronal Festival for Christ Church, when we remember and celebrate the Ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven to rule with God the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever. We celebrate and pay homage with a service of Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m. Do come and join us, and stay for refreshments afterwards as we catch up on the week's news over light refreshments. For those unable to come to our service, Astrid has prepared a sermon which is available on You Tube athttps://youtu.be/9pzWY_dIPiIThe link becomes live for you to watch on Sunday morning and a copy of her sermon can be downloaded below.Our Readings this week are:Revelation Chapter 1, verses 4b-8 Greeting to the seven ChurchesJohn Chapter 18 verses 33-37 Jesus kingdom is not of This WorldSovereign God, ruler of all creation, you sent Jesus to testify to the truth:that you alone are the Lord of life.Help us to listen always to his voice so that we may proclaim his realm of justice, peace, and endless love;through Christ, who reigns forever.Amen
Christ Church is open from 2.00pm to 4.00 pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month to welcome thosse whose memory is becoming problematic, and their friends. You can meet, chat about times old and new, and enjoy home made cake and tea, coffee or other beverages. Why not pay us a visit and see if you enjoy meeting up for a chat.
Maggie Robbins and her helpers have resumed our popular soup lunches, cost £3.50 on the second Monday of each month, in the Church Room. For safety, guests will be seated on tables of 6, so smaller groups restrict the spread of viruses, and we will still sanitise hands etc. To join us, please phone Mrs. Robbins on 01275 374534 so we can plan tables safely. Lunch starts at 12.00 noon.We have cancelled the April Soup lunch out of respect for the funeral of Ena Rogers.Lifts available by arrangement, just ask!