It's Panto Time@ (in Feb 2025...)

Is summer finally here? Well I hope so! I love the warm weather and long days but right now I want to let you know about a very VERY VERY VERY exciting project that is going to be happening at St Peter’s in February 2025. As you may know we have a Drama ‘Life’ that meets regularly at St Peters and we have had great fun creating a number of dramas for Christmas, Easter and various services through the year. We are now about to embark on a very exciting journey of creating and performing a Pantomime at St Peter’s in February 2025. You are very welcome to get involved yourself and please do pass this info on to anyone else you think might be interested. The first thing you need to be aware of is a ‘Panto Workshop’ that is happening on SUNDAY 21ST JULY 2-5PM AT ST PETER’S CHURCH. We would love you to come along whether you want to act, dance, sing and if you are interested in helping with costume, sets, sound (or anything else you can think of!). We would love to work with all ages however we are going to stipulate that anyone involved, in any capacity, will need to be aged 11 plus. We will be having another workshop in September, in case you cannot come along to the one in July and do get in touch if you would like to know more! For now though do pop the 21st July into your diary and come along to find out when rehearsals are going to be and what the Panto is all about.