Related Churches
St Katharine & The Noble Army of Martyrs
St Katherine's, Felton Common, is a beautiful church built in the 1860s, still with a living link to the founder of the church! The church is open at weekends for visitors, and details of Sunday services can be found on our website.
St James
The tiny mission chapel of St James is tucked away in the hamlet of Regil, with a monthly service of BCP Holy Communion.
St Andrew
St Andrew's is a 15th Century church and like many it underwent extensive renovation in 1860s when the interior was decorated with 156 angels in wood and stone. In 2013 modern facilities were added to provide more flexible community use. In the tower hang bells cast by the local Bilbie family, still rung regularly by the local band. We have a very strong link with Chew Stoke Church School who visit regularly. We'd love to see you at any services or events.
The Blessed Virgin Mary & St Peter
St Mary and St Peter has been the church for Winford since the 1500s, though inside you can see the 'beautification' done in the 1800s. Do look up to admire our roof decoration and the cherubs! We serve the village for weddings, baptisms and funerals, special services, and have strong connections with Winford School.
The church is partway through restoration of the walls. Phase 1 is complete; the old plaster has been removed and new plaster applied, and we are now waiting for the walls to dry enough to be able to apply the top coat and repaint. We hope this will take place in late 2024 or early 2025.
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