The Parish of Freshford, Limpley Stoke and Hinton Charterhouse Dear Friends, It seems very strange to be writing an update to you instead of Mike. I can’t possibly fill his shoes but I thought we needed to have something to accompany the list of future activities and services so here goes! We were pleased to give Mike, Lindy and Celia a good send off on the 29th September. I gather from others that a good number of people attended, the food was delicious, and a wonderful cake was baked by Kathy! Please continue to pray for them as they start this new season in their lives. All three churches had well attended Harvest services and the foods and money collected have gone to the Hub in Bradford on Avon. The cash collection from all our three churches came to £464 which I’m sure you will agree was an amazing amount. St Peter’s service also included the Baptism of Henry so the church was very lively as we welcomed their family and friends. It was so good to see lots of children in Church. Welcome baby Henry! We are grateful that all our services now have visiting clergy leading us up to and including the 30th December. This has been largely due to the vacancy team (Steve, David, Penny and Karen) working very hard for us to fill the gaps. They will now be looking at filling the next quarter so if you have any one you think may be able to lead a service or any ideas, please contact them or have a chat to one of the wardens. I’m sure you are, like me, looking forward to what each speaker will be sharing with us. St Peter’s had a very successful churchyard tidy up and bulb planting session on the 19th of October. Thank you to everyone who came and to GWR for the bulbs! We planted more than 250 bulbs so it should be a wonderful display in the spring. Debbie Ashcroft So what is the pattern of our services in October? 3rd November 10:30 am Morning Communion at St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse 10th November 10:30 am Remembrance Sunday Service at St Peter’s, Freshford 17th November 10:30 am Morning Communion at St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke 24th November 10:30 am Morning Communion at St Peter’s, Freshford 27th November 2.15 pm Midweek Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Freshford School Report from Penny Harvest!! Once again, we were very pleased to be able to welcome both Freshford School and Freshford Pre-School to celebrate harvest in our churches. The schoolchildren and staff came to St Peter’s and the Pre-Schoolers came to St Mary’s to sing their harvest songs. Both occasions were an absolute delight as they raised the roof with their singing! On each occasion, generous donations of food and toiletries were donated for the work of the Hub in Bradford on Avon. At this time of year, their volunteers are busy making up food parcels to help families during half term, and then onwards to Christmas with extra treats for the festive season. We had quite a few Terry’s Chocolate Oranges in our haul! A huge thanks to everyone involved Report from Steve regarding the vacancy period The team met with the (new) Archdeacon Charlie Peer recently to talk through the process and we now have two meetings in the diary as part of moving this forward: 1. 27th November: The PCC with Bishop Michael Beasley and the Archdeacon, plus others. The purpose of meeting is to communicate the process for securing the next incumbent and the timeline for this (much of the process we already know because we met with the previous Archdeacon earlier in the year). 2. 7th December: The Church Family (this is called a Discernment Day). The purpose of this meeting is to consider what our focus should be for the future and what the related priority areas would be for the new person. Please be considering what your hopes and wishes are for our church as you prepare for this meeting and please be praying for guidance. Volunteers wanted for the community carols on Friday 20th December 5pm at the galleries We have held community carols for the past three years outside the Galleries café, with their kind permission. Last year we also served hot chocolate and mince pies. Michael Rogers will be leading us so do come and sing with us and invite as many people as possible! There is some setting up and clearing to be done before and after the carols and Steve and I would appreciate some help with this, so if you feel you can help please let us know. Peter Wyatt The funeral service, followed by a burial, will take place on Friday the 8th of November at St Mary’s Church, Limpley Stoke at 2.00. It will be followed by refreshments at Freshford Village Memorial Hall. Prayer Please pray for the school at this busy time of year with one key member of staff gone. For our Remembrance Day services and all those leading or involved. Morning prayer Wednesday Mornings 8.30am at the Old Bakery. Please join us as we pray for the parish. Pam Southam Midweek Holy Communion service * At St Peter’s Church, Freshford on Wednesday 27th November at 2.15pm * This will be an informal service using more traditional language and pre-consecrated bread and wine. The service will last for approximately 30 minutes. Wednesday afternoons - Tea, cake & chat Please do come and join us in the Old Bakery on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.30 for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Everyone is very welcome. Ladies Wednesday walking group Hi everyone, here are the dates for walking into January 2024. Dates to put in your diaries: 6th November ,11th December, 8th January 2024. You will notice that there are a few 5-week gaps between walks. 6th December will be our Christmas walk, more about this nearer the time… Debbie Ashcroft List of contacts Rector - Vacant Churchwardens St Peter’s, Freshford Roland Birchby or Tel: 01225 723432 Debbie Ashcroft Steve Ashcroft Churchwarden St John’s, Hinton Charterhouse Karen Roberts-Wray (Grattage) or Tel: 01225 729364 Churchwardens St Mary’s, Limpley Stoke Trevor Quartermaine David Sibley Parish Administrator Debs Jones 01225 720347