Beneficial - LENT AND EASTER 2025 FINAL

Seasonal Verse

Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. John 12: 44 - 46

I visited the Vatican museums recently, and one of the unexpected delights was just before the Sistine Chapel, in the rooms frescoed by Raphael: The Liberation of St Peter. Raphael is known for his beautiful bright colours, but here there is darkness and shadow too, known as chiaroscuro. Lent and Easter reflect this. Every story, every stage of the journey to the cross and beyond has its light and shadows, because all of life does. The hope of Easter is that the shadows aren’t overcoming the light, rather that the light emerges from within the darkness. And this doesn’t stop with resurrection, it continues. There is darkness still, but the light is also emergent, and we are part of that story.

ESPECIALLY for Lent and Easter

We look forward to welcoming you, your family and friends at this very special time.

Lent course starting 10 March - A six week period of reflection and contemplation

Monday @ St Stephen’s, 1.30 – 3.00 pm; Tuesday @ Ensleigh and Wednesday @ Lansdown, 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Sign up via the Parish Office at St Stephen’s.

Sunday 27 April – St Stephen’s Worship in the Round 10.45 am
This is St Stephen’s relaxed non-communion service on the 4th Sunday each month. Join us for coffee and pastries before the service from 10 am, and afterwards for a catch up.

Maundy Thursday 17 April, 7.15 pm @ St Stephen’s – Agape Supper and Vigil. Booking (donations on the night) required via the Parish Office.

Easter Saturday 19 April, 10 am – noon @ St Stephen’s - Easter Garden making

Easter Saturday 19 April, 6 pm @ St Stephen’s - Youth Group Pizza Gathering

See Services below for full Easter schedule.


Electoral Roll this is currently being revised. Everyone, both new applicants and existing members, need to re-register. Please either download a form from St Stephen’s website, or collect a hard copy from church. Submission deadline is Sunday 6 April.

Saturday 15 March & 12 April – St Stephen’s Marigolds church spring clean 10 am - noon

Saturday 29 March & 26 April – St Stephen’s Green Fingers garden tidy 10 am - noon

Friday 7 March & 4 April – Lansdown Friendship Club
A welcoming gathering for people with memory difficulties, their accompanying family and friends. Enjoy refreshments and a monthly theme at St Stephen’s Church Centre 2-3.30 pm.

Thursday 13 March and 10 April – Lansdown Neighbourhood Group
Meet friends old and new at this monthly coffee gathering at St Stephen’s Church Centre, 10.30 am – noon.

SCRUFFY CHURCH - a fun, family friendly service. 4 pm at St Stephen’s every 4th Sunday: 23 March & 27 April

COOL FUN & FAITH - a youth group for secondary school teens, every 1st & 3rd Sunday, 7 – 8.30 pm at St Stephen’s. Bring a friend! 16 March; 6 April with Easter Social on 19 April.REV'D PHILIP HAWTHORN MARCH 2025

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