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Our pastor, Revd Michael Farrier, was licenced on the 2nd February 2020 and we are delighted that he has been appointed to lead our churches. We welcome him, Sarah and their four children to our churches and to our community and look forward to sharing with them God's work in our area. We are also really pleased to welcome Susannah Padiachy who has joined us as to work alongside Michael as assistant minister, and Michael Craine as lay reader. It has been a strange first few months for Michael and Susannah as after three months of Lockdown and closed church buildings we were able to emerge into a 'new normal' where we could once again meet together, albeit seated 2m apart and sporting face masks, only to be closed again for a second Lockdown in November, and a third Lockdown after Christmas. We also welcome Gill Jordan onto the team as administrator; she is already doing an amazing job and keeping everyone up to date with what's going on in these challenging times.