
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Church telephone (answering machine)
01225 428818

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A small and welcoming church for our local community. 

The Morning Service at 9.30am. is a mixure of Common Worship Morning Prayer and Family Worship with Family Communion on the Second Sunday of the month.  During the Vacancy period we will be alternating the service of Holy Communion between Emmanuel and St. John's on the Upper Bristol Road (between Tesco and Victoria Park).  The morning service at St. John's will take place at 11 am as opposed to 9.30 am at Emmanuel.

The evening service at 6.30pm. lasts around 40 mins and has a warm, caring atmosphere combined with a reflective approach. There is Holy Communion on the 4th Sunday of the month.

Apsley Road
Bath, Newbridge

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