Facilities and features


We have toilets located in the nearby Church Hall which is open for all services.

We have Baby Changing Facilities located in the nearby Church Hall which is open for all services.

Although we have no car park there is space on the nearby roads.

This can be found in the nearby church hall, which is open for every service.

There is a ramp, located just inside the main door, which can be put down to allow entrance into the main part of the church. There is also space for wheelchairs and mobility scooters around the pews, to allow everyone to feel part of the services.

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Our Building

Stained Glass

The church is open daily for individual prayer.

Grade 1 listed building, established in the 12th century, and added to over the centuries. Inside there is the grade 2 Clarke Monuments beside the altar. There are grade 2 unidentified monuments in the churchyard as well as a churchyard cross.


Music and Worship

We have a great team of bellringers who ring the bells for Sunday services, and special occasions. They practice every Wednesday evening and people who are wanting to try their hand at bellringing can come along and have a go. Please get in contact with David Sumner: [email protected]


Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study

Wookey's annual Duck Race takes place on the first Friday of September.

Help for Visitors

There is a short walking tour that you can do around the inside of St Matthew's which gives more details about some of the key features of the church. Booklets can be found inside the church. There is also a more detailed booklet about St Matthew's which can be found and read inside the church.

Church Open

Other Features

We support fairtrade, and the coffee offered after services is fairtrade.

We have a sound system which is used during services. There is also a screen and projector used for our Inspire services.

We have a church hall, Wookey Church Hall, which can be hired by groups or individuals for events. Please see our website for more information: chwchurches.co.uk/church-hall

Prayers of Love and Faith