St Peter & St Paul

Get in touch

Helen Bennett

The Parish Office
Peter Street Rooms
Peter Street
Shepton Mallet

Parish Office
01749 342163

Our website

What's on

LifeStream Radio Services Online 10:30 Every Week

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane Shepton Mallet Wells, BA4 5BL, United Kingdom

Those joining from home will be able to do so via our live stream from the service itself, at 10:30, on our new church radio station Shepton LifeStream. This is an online radio station and is broadcasting 24 hours every day with a mix of worship songs and gentle classical music. The current daily schedule is on the church website. The music tracks have been provided on CD by a number of different members of the congregation - many thanks to them! If you have music you would like to have some of your own music collection included, please let us know!

Link below - it’s running now - tune in and enjoy!

Family Communion
