About Us
We are a group of Christians (of all denominations) who aim 'to know God and make him known'; we meet to worship God every Sunday at 11am.
On First Sundays there is an All Age service and other weeks are adult worship, often communion, but children are always made welcome and have an area and activities just for them.
We meet on Tuesday mornings at 8.30am to pray for the village - for people to know Gods love and for those in need.
There is an Alpha course each January for those who want to learn about Jesus, and a bible study group for nurturing faith and fellowship.
We welcome anyone who lives locally to come for baptism, confirmation, to arrange a wedding or a funeral in their church.
We are part of a group of 7 village churches who share a ministry team, an administrator, and a pastoral care group.
Want to know more - look at www.hamhillchurches.org