Facilities and features


We have no toilet due to closure of the rectory facility by the diocese

A large car park is opposite the church

There is a large car park opposite with accessible entrance from the east gate through the churchyard

Ramped entrance
Large Print

Such dogs are welcome. We regularly see one at our 4th Sunday Community service.

We welcome residents from a couple of local care homes.

Our Building

We are normally open from dawn to dusk in winter and longer in the summer months .

We have six windows with stained glass, recounting the story of Jesus in the New Testament from the Annunciation to Mary to the Resurrection.
A noted window, drawing visitors from around the world, is the Nativity by William Burne Jones, the pre Raphaelite artist.

We are a grade 1 listed building with a beautiful Norman entrance way built in the 12th century.
The tower is of note, having represented a fine example of Somerset 15th century stone tracery on a 1972 Royal Mail postage stamp.

Music and Worship

We have 8 bells and a ringing team that practices on Wednesdays and announces Sunday services two or three times a month.

Concerts / Live Music

A fine organ is used regularly.

Less regular than we would like, we try to have one service on a Sunday once a month. Please see local service announcements.

Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Nurture Courses

Help for Visitors

A small guidebook is available in the church for a £3 requested donation.

The Angel Community Centre also has a cafe open Wednesday to Saturday from 9.30 - 4pm.
The Angel rooms - a meeting room for c16 persons and the large community room for up to 60 persons, are also available for hire by groups for activities of for meetings
Contact John ford 01460 249232 for further information and hire fees

Church Open

Other Features


Our community service on 4th Sundays is normally supported with a pictorial presentation on screen.

St Mary's is the beginning of a comfortable walk westwards up to the Hanging Chapel, an historic entry gateway to Langport and then in to the old high area of the town, a conservation area, and past All Saints church (run by the Churches Conservation Trust and opened daily) down in to the old town of Langport with roots going back to King Alfred.

Back to Church Sunday

We offer to facilities for hire.
All Saints Hall is on North Street in the middle of town, about 1000sqft of space with kitchen and toilets. 01458251399
The Angel, is in the centre of town and offers both a sizeable first floor community room (access by lift). Also other small rooms .