5th Sunday 8.00 am Benefice Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion at St Mary's Huish Episcopi

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 40 mins
St Mary's, Huish Episcopi
St Mary's, Huish Episcopi, TA10 9QR, United Kingdom

When there is a 5th Sunday in the month you can receive Communion at St Mary's Huish Episcopi in the peace of the early morning.

1st Sunday 0900 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion

Every First Sunday at for 40 mins
St Andrew's, High Ham
The Green High Ham Langport, TA10 9BZ, United Kingdom

Traditional BCP Communion Service gathered together in the South Aisle of St Andrew's.
Come and enjoy the beauty of the liturgy and the peace.

2nd Sunday Benefice Holy Communion Service - 10.30am at Huish Episcopi or High Ham

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
at one of the sister churches in our Benefice.
at one of the sister churches in our Benefice., Here at St Andrew's, High Ham or St Mary's Huish Episcopi

A Benefice Service of Holy Communion in either St Andrew's High Ham or St Mary's Huish Episcopi where we gather to worship together.

3rd Sunday Friends and Family Service 11am

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, High Ham
The Green High Ham Langport, TA10 9BZ, United Kingdom

An uplifting service for friends and family to join together.

4th Sunday Sung Evensong 1630 (BCP Evening Prayer)

Every Fourth Sunday at for 55 mins
St Andrew's, High Ham
The Green High Ham Langport, TA10 9BZ, United Kingdom

An uplifting traditional service at the end of the day with sung responses, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.

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Occasionally in month with 5 Sundays the service may move to 5th Sunday. Contact 01458 252237 for more details