Our Group of Churches

Our Group of Churches

We are one Benefice with the neighbouring churches of St Giles in Leigh on Mendip and All Saints in Downhead, and part of a group with the Postlebury Benefice, which comprises of five churches in Nunney, Wanstrow, Witham Friary, Cloford, and Marston

These eight churches all share one vicar, whose base is in Nunney, along with our Parish office. Our vicar Anthony Dickson retired in May 2024, and we are in the process of recruiting a replacement, and look forward to welcoming a new vicar into our communities!

Sunday Services

Our Sunday services rotate around the churches in a regular pattern. Each village church also hosts services for many of the key festivals, such as Christmas, Easter, Mothering Sunday, Harvest and Remembrance Sunday. During the vacancy we are delighted to welcome vicars from neighbouring parishes and retired clergy.

Working together

The group of churches work closely together and share many ministries-

- Pastoral Team- we have a team of pastoral carers who are able to visit parishioners and give support where required, for example after a bereavement

- Soul Food Informal Service- this informal worship evening service takes place on the 2nd Sunday of the month and alternates between Nunney and Stoke St Michael. We have a music group from the villages who enjoy playing music and worshiping together, and who hold regular “Jamming” sessions as they learn new worship music. New members to the group are always welcome!

- Life Groups- We have three of these Bible study groups around the group, and they provide wonderful fellowship , discipleship and prayer support. The groups often meet to share a meal and fellowship, such as the Passover meal

- Combined Services- Services rotate around the group of churches and all parishioners are encouraged attend, giving the opportunity for folk to meet people from the other churches and worship together

- Lent Groups- There is a Lent course and lunch for the group of churches.

- Praying for our Vacancy- as group of churches we meet monthly on the 4th Sunday of the month to pray for our vacancy process. This moves around each time to different churches in the group.

Special services and Life events

Throughout the vacancy we are offering special services, such as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. Please address your initial enquires about these to the Parish Office in the first instance, and you will be sign posted to the person dealing with these.

For further information about any of this please see:-

For Leigh on Mendip and Downhead churches- https://leigh-on-mendip.org.uk/st-giles-church

For the Postlebury Group- https://www.postleburychurches.org

Our Parish Secretary is Claire Edwards Tel 07404 824355 (please note Claire works part time hours and the phone is not checked for messages between her working hours). [email protected]

(Picture shows Churchwardens from the Group)