The Sunday Stokers celebrated the end of term with a special family service on 21st July. The children took part in a sketch and song about Jesus feeding the five thousand, and Chris helped everyone understand (using only a sheet of paper!) that the more God's love is shared, the more it grows. After the service, the congregation enjoyed a picnic, children's games and even some sunshine in the churchyardStokers will next meet in the hall at 10.30am on Sunday 15th September. All 3-12 years olds are very welcome to come along and give it a try!
It was with sadness and gratitude that we said goodbye to Anthony and Christine, after 12 years in our community. They are retiring and moving away to Hereford.We wish them much happiness in their new home and retirement.We will continue to hold our usual service schedule, and will welcome neighbouring and retired vicars to keep services going. We have started the recruitment process, but don't expect a new vicar in place before early 2025
We were delighted to start our new "Sunday Stokers" children's group today!The group will be meeting once a month, on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 10.30am, in the Village Hall, and is an opportunity for any children age 4 to11 years old to come along, join in craft activities, listen to Bible stories and have a drink and snack, and we walk down to church at the end to join the grown ups, and tell them what we have been doing in the group.Today we learnt about Noah and the Flood, made beautiful butterflies, and learnt to sing "I reach up high" with actions!!The group is very informal, and lots of fun. We would love to welcome lots more children to the group. Please see the "What's on" section of the website for other dates.If you would like more information about the group please contact Lizzy Rice tel 07813298462 /