Facilities and features
Unisex toilet available. We are sorry but this is not wheelchair accessible .
Level access
Very welcome!
Our Building
The Church is open every day 10am to 4pm.
You are very welcome to come and spend time with God in this special place
We have beautiful stain glass windows. Please come and see them!
Sadly we were a victim of Storm Henk in January 2024 and one of the windows was damaged. Work to repair it will be starting in June 2024.
Every Friday morning 10am to 12 we hold a Coffee and Chat session. All members of the community are welcome to attend . You will find a warm space and warm welcome!
Music and Worship
Most services are accompanied by the organ
We hold BCP Evening Prayer every first Sunday of the month at 6pm
We have a Quartet which assembles for special services.
We hold a monthly Informal Service called "Soul Food" , on the second Sunday of the month. We have a small band that plays for the service, which is shared with Nunney Church . Check diary pages for dates and venues. We would welcome new members to the band!
Groups, Courses and Activities
"Sunday Stokers" is our young person's group. They meet every 3rd Sunday of the month, 10.30am in the Village Hall and join the service later on.
If you are aged 4 to 11 years old you would be welcome to join this fun group
Home Group/Bible discussion group meets regularly to share and learn from the Bible and each other. you would be very welcome to join us.
"Coffee and Chat" meets every Friday morning in church 10am to 12
Help for Visitors
The Church is open for prayer and quiet times, everyday during 10am to 4pm.
You are very welcome to come and spend time with God in this special place
Well behaved pooches are very welcome in our church!
Other Features
It is our pleasure to pray for our community. If you have a prayer request either get in touch with the Churchwardens or there is a prayer box in the church where you can leave your prayer request.