Facilities and features


The Toilet is situated at the back of the church on the north side. It is accessible for wheelchairs

The drive is our parking area - it is a one-way drive with the entrance (marked) at the west end gateway. Please drive as far forward as you can to allow the maximum number of cars to be parked as people attend the church, whether for worship, concerts or other events. Thank you.

Accessible Toilet
Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible

Temporary ramps can be put into position on request - however, they are only suitable for manual wheelchairs, not mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs with low carriages.

There is a hearing loop

Our Newsletters and service sheets are available in large print. The person who is welcoming people to services will be pleased to find them for you. We also have large print hymn books.

All dogs on leads with responsible owners are welcome

Our Building

We are underway with work to equip our church to express our care for God’s world in our worship and teaching; in how we look after our buildings and land; in how we engage with our local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of our congregation.
We are currently working to rewild areas of our churchyard.

Grade 2*

Music and Worship

Please visit www.christchurch-stmarys-frome.co.uk for details of forthcoming concerts and events.

Christ Church was consecrated in 1818 and its warmly reverberant acoustic, like a small cathedral, soon led to a choral tradition being established. The church is blessed in having good instruments too: a pedal organ built by Vowles of Bristol in 1873 and restored in 2008; and the use of two chamber organs.
Christ Church is also a popular venue for concerts and events
including many fundraisers for charities.

On the first and third Sunday of each month the 8am service is Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer.
Choral Evensong is also from the Book of Common Prayer.
Both services use the Common Worship lectionary.

There is a choir who sing at the 10.30 service. There are hymns, a sung Mass setting and an anthem.
The Christ Church Singers are the choir that sing at Choral Evensong on the first Sunday each month (not August).
Both choirs are directed by Ann Burgess and always welcome new singers.
There is also a choir for children called Scallop Shells which meets each Friday during term time at 4pm. This choir sings at festivals and all age services where possible.
Ann can be contacted via [email protected]

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features

We endeavour to use fairlytraded products when offering refreshments.

We support Fair Frome foodbank. For details of their work in the town, please visit www.fairfrome.org

Conservation Area

Please contact [email protected]