Facilities and features


Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop

We have large print hymn books and are working towards having a full set of large print service books.

Our Building

Open daily between 10.00am and 3.00pm.

Stained Glass
Listed Building

Music and Worship

Our bell-ringing team are currently not able to ring regularly but we are working on recruitment and training and hope that we will be able to recommence.

We have a good quality electronic organ.

The 8.30am Holy communion services which generally take place on the first and third (and fifth) Sundays of the month are according to the Book of Common Prayer.
The 10.00am Parish Eucharist (usually second and fourth Sundays) includes hymns and is according to Common Worship.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features