
St Peter's is open every day from about 9.00 am - 6pm or dusk if earlier

Getting here

The friendly congregation always welcomes newcomers and visitors, and there is an opportunity to chat over a cup of coffee after the 9.30am service every Sunday.  Members of this lively church are active in all areas of village life.

St. Peter’s offers regular Sunday and weekday worship and occasional special services are announced in the Parish Magazine, Evercreech News, and on the noticeboard.

Pastoral Care

The Priest shares the pastoral care of parishioners with the Readers, Pastoral Assistants and other lay members of the congregation. 

Ministry to the Elderly

Holy Communion is taken to several homes in the parish and services are held at The Glen .


There is a fine pipe-organ and an enthusiastic choral group which sings at some 9.30am services and practises most Wednesdays at 7.45pm.  New members are always welcome.  .


Evercreech has a famous ring of 10 bells.  The single Service Bell has been calling villagers to worship since before the Reformation. 

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Please note that our postal address is
Bruton Road,
Shepton Mallet,

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