Facilities and features


In the Churchroom, which is open during services and events.

There is a nappy changing table in the toilet in the Churchroom. It is open during services and events.

Car parking is on the road.

In the Churchroom, which is open during services and events.

There is a community defibillator outside the Church.

There are no steps from the road into the Church.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Step free access from the road into the church and room for carers to sit close by.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

We have a Bronze Eco Award and we are working towards Silver.

The church is dedicated to St Gregory the Great (540-604) , who was Bishop of Rome from 590. The story is that he was in the market place in Rome when he saw some young blond children for sale as slaves. He asked who they were and on being told they were Angles his reply was "Not Angles but Angels", and arranged for St Augustine to come to Britain (where the Angles came from) to bring the Gospel to this country
The church was built c1480 but there were previous buildings on the site. Longish chancels were the fashion then, and you can see the staircase that led to a presumably massive rood screen, bearing a huge crucifix probably with the figures of Mary and St John. These were done away with at the Reformation when the stone altar was replaced by wooden Communion table.
The building was restored in 1846—8 (roof, extra aisle added, vestry) and again in 1901 (Chancel arrangements, much stonework and window glass. There are three tiny pieces of early glass (1480—1500) in the side aisle).

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

There a cycle of 8am BCP Holy Communion services, around 5 of the Churches in the Parish. Please see Events for the date of the next one in this church.

10am Sunday services often include a guitar duo.

Groups, Courses and Activities

In the Churchroom on the last Friday of the month.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

Other Features


Donated food is collected for the Cheddar Foodbank.

Audio-Visual Facilities

The Churchroom seats 50. for more information, ring 01934 732239