Facilities and features


Toilets are available. Need to go past altar which is up a small step and then through a door way with small step.

Car park is at the church hall in college road, which is only 3 minutes away. There is limited on street parking nearby.
Arrangements can be made to park in church grounds, please phone first. On Sundays during services, church grounds are usually open.

See parking

Yes on wall outside of main church door

Yes a portable ramp is easily put in place.

Yes this is in operation, please let us know if it doesn't quite sound right

Welcomed in the church

Aware, accessible and welcomed. In addition there is a dementia friendly service once a month. See separate page for more details.

Our Building

See main pages for times.

Our East and West facing windows have most pronounced stained glass, well viewed from the outside but the sun shining through them makes for even more spectacular viewing from inside the church

See church history

Very near to the church in Victoria Street, opposite the Ritz cinema

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

See notice sheet for details, or try our "Events" page

Main service every Sunday at 10 o'clock is Common Worship and has organ music with choir.

8 O'clock on Sunday morning.
10 O'clock on Thursday mornings.
10 O'clock every third Sunday at Edithmead church.

St. Andrew's has a regular choir. Practice is on Fridays please contact us for more details.

Groups, Courses and Activities

St Andrew's Youth operates during term time from 9:50am to 11. For more information contact Dee Cornish 01278 794696.

Help for Visitors

There are brief notes/information available in the church.

Other Features

Refreshments as far as possible are fairtrade, and there is a monthly fairtrade stall.

Please drop any donations off in the church when it is open, they will then be taken to the foodbank. If our church isn't open please contact the Methodist Church.

In the church hall we have a speaker system and a projector for hire with our in house engineer.
In church we have an ever increasing quality sound system and we can implement visual systems if required.

Hall for Hire