Facilities and features


Toilets, including accessible toilet, are located in the church room, which is the building to the left of the entrance gate.

Located in the accessible toilet in the Church Room

Available in the Church Room car park.

Car park adjacent to the Church Room which is owned by the Golf Course who kindly give us permission to park there.

Available in the Church Room.

The car park can be very uneven with potholes so is not always suitable for wheelchairs. Park by the church gates for smoother access to the church. We have asked the golf course to address the issue as it is their land.

On the wall of the Church Room.

There is a ramped sloping entrance to the church main entrance and inside the building. The church is usually open from 9am to 6pm. In the summer the main door is open except in inclement weather due to flood risk. Unfortunately due to the age of the building wheelchair access is only available through the main door.

We have a hearing loop in the church building.

Large Print

Assistance dogs welcomed.

Park by the big church gates and follow the path into the building. It is all ramped. Unfortunately due to the age of the building wheelchair access is only available through the main door.

Our Building

The church is usually open from 9am to 6pm. In the summer the big door is open except in inclement weather due to flood risk. At other times use the small chancel door (it can stick sometimes so give it a push). Unfortunately due to the age of the building wheelchair access is only available through the main door.
There is an area set aside for prayer on the back left of the church. Please leave any requests in the box and our prayer minsters will pray into them.

Many old stained glass windows and a beautiful one from the 1970s depicting a boat on waves.

We have A Rocha bronze award for Eco Churches and are currently rewilding our churchyard in a sensitive way mindful that it is also a place where people go to remember loved ones.

Grade 1 listed building parts of which date back about 900 years.

Music and Worship

We currently do not have enough people able to ring bells but visiting ringers are welcome.

See website

We have a pipe organ. Visiting organists welcome.

We currently only have a worship band on the first Sunday each month. For other services we use videos.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our 2 youth groups are currently suspended due to shortage of volunteer helpers.

See website

See website

See website

Meet Wednesday evenings in the Church Room during Term Time.

Mental health support

Meet Wednesday mornings 9.30 to 11.30 in the Church Room. Term time only. All very welcome.

Help for Visitors

Available in the church.

The church is usually open daily from 9am to 6pm. In the summer the main door is open except in inclement weather due to flood risk. At other times use the small chancel door (it can stick sometimes so give it a push). Unfortunately due to the age of the building wheelchair access is only available through the main door.

Other Features

We are a Fairtrade Church and only use fairly traded tea/coffee/sugar etc.

There is a box collecting for the local Foodbank in the church.

All the words for our services are projected onto a screen and we have a speaker system.

We are set in an SSSI area. Some areas of the churchyard are set aside to encourage wildflowers and grasses. Bird boxes have been installed and an 'insect hotel' was built by one of our youth groups. We are part of the Wilder Churches Project (joint Bath&Wells Diocese and Somerset Wildlife Trust project)

Our Church Room is available for hire for meetings, parties and regular events. Please see https://berrowandbrean.co.uk/booking-st-marys-church-room/ for more details.