Facilities and features


Car parking is very limited. Additional car parking is sometimes available during services.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

The village of Loxton is referred to in the Domesday Book as Lochstone, which suggests a Saxon origin. It was part of the Somerset possessions of Count Eustace of Bologne, no doubt one of the followers of the Conqueror. It is stated that the manor had seven plough teams, a mill, fifty acres of meadow, six acres of underwood and a number of serfs, villeins and boors. In 1225 the manor was given by Gervase de Sparkford to Philip de lnsala as his daughter’s (Jordana) dowry and in 1291 was excluded from the Royal Hunting Forest of Mendip.
The Church of St. Andrew
There are traces of Norman work in the porch and tower and it seems probable that it was built on an old Saxon foundation. The first authentic date is from the list of Rectors (to be seen on the westwall of the Nave), which is complete as from 1297.
There are no records of any early restoration. In 1900 the roof was renewed and a small organ chamber built. In 1913, the walls were stripped of plaster and the Chancel encased in oak surmounted by carved angels. Note the little Cherub on the right above the altar with little wooden tears on his cheeks.

In 1926 the Vestry (now the Lady Chapel) and present organ chamber were built.

Music and Worship


There a cycle of 8am BCP Holy Communion services, around 5 of the Churches in the Parish. Please see Events for the date of the next one in this church.

10 am Sunday services often include a guitar duo.

Groups, Courses and Activities

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