Parish Holy Communion Service

Every Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

A service to come together and celebrate Holy Communion. You are welcome to receive the bread and the wine if it is your usual practice, or you can come forward to receive a blessing. We use the practise of intinction, which means dipping the wafer into the wine. As part of this service there will be a number of hymns, two bible readings and a sermon.

Following the service, tea, coffee and biscuits will be served for all to enjoy.

S.A.L.T - St Andrew's at Lunch Time

Every Fourth Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Cheddar Village Hall
Cheddar Village Hall, Church Street Cheddar

Soup and bread lunch followed by cake, for anyone who would like company at lunchtime.

No charge, but donations can be made for anyone who wishes to.

Evening Prayer on Zoom

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 20 mins
Zoom online

Evening Prayer on Zoom: Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays at 8pm for about 20 minutes.
Tuesday and Thursday alternate Compline and Worship at Home.
Wednesday is Book of Common Prayer.

Please use the contact us page for details.

Midweek Holy Communion - Anointing for Healing

Monthly. Every Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

Holy Communion with focus on Healing. A shortened service of Holy Communion with an opportunity to be anointed with oil for healing. During the prayers we particularly pray for those on our pew notes especially those who have asked for our prayers over a longer period whose names appear on the prayer tree. As always, if you are uncomfortable with receiving anointing or communion there is no pressure to do so.

Saturday Morning Prayer

Every Saturday at for 20 mins
Benefice Office/ Den
Benefice Office/ Den, St Andrew's Church Office, The Old Vicarage Church Street, BS27 3RF, United Kingdom

We pray for the needs of our churches.

All are very welcome.

Morning Prayer

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

This is a service made up of readings, sermon and prayers. It uses contemporary language and can last up to an hour.
During the service, Children are invited over to the church office for "Children's Church" where they will do activities based on the Sunday Readings.

After the service, tea, coffee and biscuits are served for all to enjoy.

Mother's Union Meeting

Every First Tuesday at for 1 hour
Cheddar Village Hall
Cheddar Village Hall, Church Street, Cheddar

Each meeting we have a different topic along with worship and prayers for our link dioceses around the world.

Branch Contact Anne Langford 01934 742763

Midweek Holy Communion - Common Worship

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

A communion service in contemporary language.
There may be a short reflection on the bible reading for the day.

Contemplative Prayer Group

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 45 mins
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

We meet on the second Monday of each month at 11am. We are using a pattern of prayer used by the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer ( Each session begins with relaxation, followed by an introduction to the saying for the day which is a short sentence of scripture. This saying is repeated as a mantra in three sections of about 7-8 minutes: first thinking about the saying, second allowing the saying to ‘speak’ to the heart and the third in which we use the saying to pray for others. The session ends with a final prayer. There is no pressure to share anything or to pray aloud. We finish at 11.45. Everyone welcome.

Court House Retirement Home Communion

Every Second Tuesday at for 30 mins
Court House Retirement Home
Court House Retirement Home, Church Street Cheddar Somerset, BS27 3RA

A private communion for the residence of Court House Care Home.

Midweek Holy Communion - Mothers Union

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion in contemporary language. The Service begins at 11.30 to allow for prayers at 12 noon when Worldwide Mothers’ Union members pray for each other and the work of Mothers’ Union. All are very welcome at this service. There is an opportunity to give to the work of MU as a collection is taken at this service but please do not feel it is an obligation.

Book of Common Prayer Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 30 mins
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.

Midweek Holy Communion - BCP

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church, Cheddar
Church Street Cheddar, BS273RF, United Kingdom

Book of Common Prayer 1662 A service of Holy Communion using the traditional language of ‘the old prayer book’. There may be a short reflection on the bible reading.

The Homestead home Communion

Every Third Thursday at for 30 mins
The Homestead
The Homestead, Union Street, Cheddar, Somerset,, BS27 3NB

A private service for the residence of The Homestead.