Parish Contacts


Stuart Burns - 01934 743649


Paul Tullett - 01934 743281

Marguerite Strang - 01934 742708

Safeguarding Officer 

James Reeve -  01934 744442

PCC Secretary 

Lorraine Grover - 01934 744264


Dawn Hill - 01934 906637

Ministry Team

Rev'd Stuart Burns - Rector

Associate Priest

Rev'd Thea Oliver

Hon. Ass. Priests: 

Rev'd Hilary ThomasVen Judith Rose and Rev'd Julie Sims


Rev'd Ruth Motion

Readers: Chris Green and Alistair Glanvile

Lay Worship Assistants:

Mike Brownbill, Bethany Chambers, Julie Hope, Alan Philps, Deborah Hale and Ceri Walsh

Lay Pastoral Assistants:

Marie Pearson, Mary Reeve & Rosemary Tullett