
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

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Wells Cathedral exists for the glory of God and as a sign of God’s kingdom in the world. To that end, a daily round of prayer and worship is offered throughout the year, with the great festivals and events of the Christian year also celebrated in special services.

Our services are open to all and first time visitors from this country, or from abroad, are especially welcome.






General Service Times:

Monday to Saturday 

8.00am      Morning Liturgy

5.15pm      Choral Evensong


8.00am      Holy Communion

9.45am      Eucharist

11.30am    Choral Matins

3.00pm      Choral Evensong

Wellsprings is a Sunday worship initiative for the younger members of the Cathedral community and young visitors which takes place during the Eucharist when, during the middle part of the service,  children (and parents of the youngest children) are invited to join us in the Education Room for their own more age-appropriate liturgy.

Details of all services and other events in the Cathedral are also available on the Cathedral's website at


Cathedral Green

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