MEMORIAL CAROL SERVICE - Sunday 3rd December - 6pm

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Church Street Ossett Wakefield, WF5 9DW, United Kingdom

Christmas can be an emotional time for those who have lost a loved one recently. A present less given and received. An empty seat around the table for Christmas dinner. Many things can remind us of the pain of loss.

That’s why we are warmly inviting you and your family to join us for a special Remembrance Carol Service at:
Trinity Church,
Church Street,
on Sunday 3rd December at 6pm.

We are inviting all who have had a funeral for a loved one through either of the two Anglican churches in Ossett (Christ Church or Trinity) to attend. As well as singing familiar carols together, there will also be an opportunity to participate in an act of remembrance in memory of your loved one.

Our hope is that this will be an opportunity for you to remember your loved one with gratitude, but also to look to the future with fresh hope in Jesus Christ, who came to us at Christmas as Immanuel, God-with-us.

Please let us know if you can come by completing and returning the slip below or sending a message to [email protected] by Friday 24th November.

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You will always find a warm welcome at TrinityChurch, whether you come to one of our main 10am Sunday services, or contact us via this site, or our church office on 01924 263497.

Get in touch

Trinity Office - Victoria Hunter

Trinity Church,
Church Street

Victoria Hunter
(01924) 263497
What's on

MEMORIAL CAROL SERVICE - Sunday 3rd December - 6pm

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Church Street Ossett Wakefield, WF5 9DW, United Kingdom

Christmas can be an emotional time for those who have lost a loved one recently. A present less given and received. An empty seat around the table for Christmas dinner. Many things can remind us of the pain of loss.

That’s why we are warmly inviting you and your family to join us for a special Remembrance Carol Service at:
Trinity Church,
Church Street,
on Sunday 3rd December at 6pm.

We are inviting all who have had a funeral for a loved one through either of the two Anglican churches in Ossett (Christ Church or Trinity) to attend. As well as singing familiar carols together, there will also be an opportunity to participate in an act of remembrance in memory of your loved one.

Our hope is that this will be an opportunity for you to remember your loved one with gratitude, but also to look to the future with fresh hope in Jesus Christ, who came to us at Christmas as Immanuel, God-with-us.

Please let us know if you can come by completing and returning the slip below or sending a message to [email protected] by Friday 24th November.

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