Trinity Church Heritage Open Day

for 6 hours
Church Street Ossett Wakefield, WF5 9DW, United Kingdom

TrinityChurch, Church Street, Ossett will hold an Open Day and Tower Open between 10am and 4:00pm.

Trinity Church is situated on a plateau, some 300ft above sea level, amid 5½ acres of land. The spire on top of the central tower rises to a height of 226ft - one of the tallest in Yorkshire. Restored over recent years to its former glory, come and enjoy the wonderful architecture and stained glass windows of this magnificent worship and community space as more of its treasures are revealed to you. See the completed restoration work on the East and West Windows and fabulous Last Supper Reredos.

This is also your chance to ascend the steps of the church tower to the bell ringing room; continue to the clock room to view the workings of the four large clock faces and learn of their past; passing the world’s only peal of 16 bells, you will emerge to enjoy breath taking panoramic views of Ossett and beyond from the tower parapet.

Admission to the Church building is free. An optional visit up the Tower is £3.00 Adults and £1.50 children. Stewards will be on duty to assist those ascending the tower. Children are to be accompanied by a responsible adult, particularly when going up or down the tower steps. Suitable footwear and appropriate clothing is advised.

Refreshments will be on sale during the day including drinks, sandwiches and cakes.

If you would like more information, please contact TrinityChurch Office on 01924 263497

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You will always find a warm welcome at TrinityChurch, whether you come to one of our main 10am Sunday services, or contact us via this site, or our church office on 01924 263497.

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Trinity Office - Victoria Hunter

Trinity Church,
Church Street

Victoria Hunter
(01924) 263497
What's on

Trinity Church Heritage Open Day

for 6 hours
Church Street Ossett Wakefield, WF5 9DW, United Kingdom

TrinityChurch, Church Street, Ossett will hold an Open Day and Tower Open between 10am and 4:00pm.

Trinity Church is situated on a plateau, some 300ft above sea level, amid 5½ acres of land. The spire on top of the central tower rises to a height of 226ft - one of the tallest in Yorkshire. Restored over recent years to its former glory, come and enjoy the wonderful architecture and stained glass windows of this magnificent worship and community space as more of its treasures are revealed to you. See the completed restoration work on the East and West Windows and fabulous Last Supper Reredos.

This is also your chance to ascend the steps of the church tower to the bell ringing room; continue to the clock room to view the workings of the four large clock faces and learn of their past; passing the world’s only peal of 16 bells, you will emerge to enjoy breath taking panoramic views of Ossett and beyond from the tower parapet.

Admission to the Church building is free. An optional visit up the Tower is £3.00 Adults and £1.50 children. Stewards will be on duty to assist those ascending the tower. Children are to be accompanied by a responsible adult, particularly when going up or down the tower steps. Suitable footwear and appropriate clothing is advised.

Refreshments will be on sale during the day including drinks, sandwiches and cakes.

If you would like more information, please contact TrinityChurch Office on 01924 263497

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