10am Communion Service for all

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
Malvern Wells Malvern, WR14 4PA, United Kingdom

This service is in-person and live-streamed over Zoom. For more details go to our website at http://www.standrewsandallsaints.org/currentservicepattern/

An in-person communion service with liturgy, Holy Communion and some reflective music within the constraints of keeping everyone COVID-safe. Limited capacity but everyone welcome. Please wear a mask. This service is recorded for viewing later in the day on the website http://www.standrewsandallsaints.org/

Lent Community Lunches

Every Last Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
Malvern Wells Malvern, WR14 4PA, United Kingdom

Join us for a simple soup lunch and a Thought for the Day - 12.30 Mondays


Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
Malvern Wells Malvern, WR14 4PA, United Kingdom

For all little people aged 0-4 and their grown-ups. We aim to provide a fun, safe and supportive environment in which parents/carers can spend quality time with their little ones and friendships can be discovered and support found.
We are now back meeting in person. Go to our website at http://www.standrewsandallsaints.org/currentservicepattern/ to find other ways to connect with us.

Meets every week during term time.

Waiting Room

Every Third Wednesday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
Malvern Wells Malvern, WR14 4PA, United Kingdom

An hour to be still with God in the silence every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
We are now meeting in person. Go to our website at http://www.standrewsandallsaints.org/currentservicepattern/ to find other ways to connect with us.

Messy Church

Every Third Thursday at for 2 hours
All Saints, Malvern Wells & Wyche
Malvern Wells Malvern, WR14 4PA, United Kingdom

Crafts, games, stories, songs and a jacket potato tea for primary children and their parents/carers.
This event is currently running in church on every 3rd Thursday of the month. Go to http://www.standrewsandallsaints.org/messy-church/ for more information.