About Us

St Mary-the-Virgin, Kenton is the Church of England (C of E, Anglican) Parish Church of Kenton. All are welcome to join us in worship, and by the strength and grace of the Sacraments seek to conform their lives ever more closely to Jesus Christ and his teaching. 

All pastoral enquiries, including those concerning the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage, should be directed to the Parish Priest at the end of the Parish Mass or any week-day Mass, or by email at [email protected]

What sort of church are we?
Some people would describe St Mary’s as ‘High Church’ or ‘Anglo-Catholic’. Although familiar, these labels can be unhelpful, as not everyone understands the same things by them.

We have a formal liturgy and use incense; the priests who minister here are usually called ‘Father’, and celebrate Mass as our main act of daily worship. Bishop Jonathan is our bishop, pastor and friend and in all things enables us to remain as Catholic members of the CofE . We are affiliated to Forward in Faith.

The Catholic Faith
The most important thing that defines St Mary’s is that we try in all things faithfully to preach, teach and live out the Catholic Faith that the Church has passed on over the course of 2,000 years.

We do not believe that the CofE has the authority to make unilateral decisions about Christian belief and practice, and pray for the day when all Christians are reunited in the one Church – one flock with one shepherd.