About Us

A beautiful old building of Norman origin with many additions from the C13th - C16th, and graced with a very tall stone octagonal tower, visible across lush farmland from many directions.

Part of the Benefice of Bartestree Cross, including Lugwardine, Dormington, Westhide and Weston Beggard.

A member of Herefordshire Churches Tourism Group. open to visitors daily. www.visitherefordshirechurches.co.uk

At present we are in the midst of building repairs to the chancel.

Inside, the damp-damaged plaster has just been removed in the chancel, causing a great deal of dust. Once this has all settled and been removed the exposed walls will be left for 12 months to thoroughly dry out, before new lime plaster and paint is applied.

Outside, there is scaffolding up on the East end and work continues, repointing and replacing stone where necessary. The S roof will be retiled also, and some other jobs done. 

The work is 93.2% paid for by the Church Commissioners who bear responsibility for the maintenance of the Chancel. The remainder of the payment is our responsibility and is being met by a bequest and some grants.

We are continuing our normal activities and services through this time! Please bear with us, and excuse the reduced size of the car park, where the builders have sectioned off an area for their equipment etc.

And do pay us a visit to see what's going on!

Our last building work doesn't seem so long ago either! ............to provide up-to-date facilities, suitable for the C21st! We had mains water and mains sewage connected, allowing us to make huge improvements and providing an accessible toilet, suitable for all, and a kitchen.

We also had a level-floored hospitality area made to the W end of our church, next to the kitchen and toilet area.

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A team of enthusiastic helpers  have been taking “Open the Book” to Withington Primary School once a month.

However we need to find new members who can help - both in the story reading/acting and helping make and store props. we have recently lost members. Training is easy to arrange and it is all good fun to engage in! 


Look out for:

A good selection of well arranged books donated as a library exchange for a small donation, and we are a collection point for the Hereford Food Bank

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There is a ring of 6 bells of excellent tone. Our depleted bell team are not ringing regularly at the moment. Visiting Teams are welcome, and we are usually able to make up a team if requested for weddings.