Benefice Social and Fund Raising

Saturday 6th July 2024, 10.30am until 12.30, Ditton Priors - First Saturday Coffee Morning in church.
Join us for our regular Coffee Morning in church. We look forward to seeing you. Everyone welcome. No charge.

Saturday 6th July, Ditton Priors - 10.30am until 12.30, Ditton Priors - First Saturday Coffee Morning in church.  Please join us for our regular Coffee Morning.  Everyone welcome. No charge. 

Friday 6th July, Ditton Priors, Pimms & Puds Social Evening in the vicarage garden, 5pm onwards. Tickets £12.50 each from Marjorie  01746 712423.  We look forward to welcoming you.

Friday 19th July 2024.  Aston Botterell Quiz and Buffet at The Down Inn. 7.00pm - for 7.30pm.  Grand raffle drawn at 7.00pm.  Tickets £18.00.  Please contact Anne Preece on 07966459806. 

Saturday 14th September.  Neenton Fete & Duck Race.  Details to follow!

Saturday 19th October.  Neenton Promise Auction at The Down Inn, 7.00pm.  Tickets £25 to include two course meal and entry into the raffle.  Please come along and support this event in aid of the WW1 Memorial Window Restoration in All Saints Church.  Further details to follow