Soup & Study Lent Course

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Peter, Withington
Lock Rd Withington Hereford, HR1 3QE, United Kingdom

Do join us - everyone welcome!

Bartestree Cross Choir

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Peter’s Church, Lugwardine with Bartestree
Lugwardine w Bartestree Hereford, HR1 4AE, United Kingdom

Wednesdays, 6pm @ Lugwardine
We sing a variety of church and secular music, performing on special occasions. All abilities welcome. For more info contact Sheila 01432 851077 [email protected]

April Services

Every Sunday at for 9 hours, 30 mins
Dormington: St Peter
Dormington Hereford, HR1 4FA, United Kingdom
St Peter’s Church, Lugwardine with Bartestree
Lugwardine w Bartestree Hereford, HR1 4AE, United Kingdom
Westhide: St Bartholomew
Westhide Hereford, HR1 3RQ, United Kingdom
Weston Beggard: St John the Baptist
Weston Beggard Hereford, HR1 4BN, United Kingdom
St Peter, Withington
Lock Rd Withington Hereford, HR1 3QE, United Kingdom

Sunday 6 April
9:30 amCommunion @ Lugwardine
11am Holy Communion @ Dormington
11am Morning Prayer @ Weston Beggard

Sunday 13 April- Palm Sunday
9:30am Holy Communion @ Withington
11am Family Palm Sunday Service @ Lugwardine joined by Westhide
4pm Confirmation Service @ St. Mary’s Fownhope

Thursday 17 April
7pm Maundy Thursday Service @ Dormington

Friday 18 April
2pm Good Friday Service @ Westhide

Sunday 20th March-Easter!
6am Easter Sunrise @ Weston Beggard
9:30am Easter Communion @ Withington
11am Easter Service @ Westhide joined by Dormington
11am Easter Family Communion @ Lugwardine

Sunday 27 April
10am Benefice Service @ Dormington

All our 9:30am services are livestreamed on our Facebook page

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Morning Prayer

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Weston Beggard: St John the Baptist
Weston Beggard Hereford, HR1 4BN, United Kingdom

A friendly service of morning prayer, with hymns and a sermon.
Usually on the first Sunday each month at 11am.

Coffee & Chat

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday and Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Varies - at private homes around the villages
Varies - at private homes around the villages

A monthly "open house" event where everyone is invited to pop in for coffee (or tea), cakes and a lighthearted social morning.
Each month there is a different host(ess) and this is advertised in the monthly village magazine.
Usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday it is deliberately varied to allow more people to attend occasionally who would not otherwise be able to.

Coffee and Chat has been running since around 1998, is very well supported and a lot of fun. We usually have a raffle with small prizes and the money is donated to the village church or another local cause. Many friendships have blossomed over the years, we have laughed and cried, celebrated and commiserated, weathered sun and rain, wind and snow, been indoors and out, and organised trips to gardens, cafes and theatres - to mention but a few!

Pizza Club

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Sutton Village Hall
, HR1 3SZ, United Kingdom

Pizza Club runs in parntership with the Maund gorup of parishes. For ages 7-11 meeting at Sutton Village Hall from 4:30-6pm once a month.

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Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Weston Beggard: St John the Baptist
Weston Beggard Hereford, HR1 4BN, United Kingdom

A friendly service of Holy Communion, with hymns and a sermon. Usually on the 3rd Sunday each month at 11am