High Places Holy Communion

for 1 hour
Bredwardine: St Andrew
Bredwardine: St Andrew, Church Drive Bredwardine Hereford, HR3 6BT, United Kingdom

Join Bishop Richard on the Black Hill for Holy Communion.

2:45 arrive at car park of south end, Black Hill car park.
Summit is 1/2 mile walk
3:15 Eucharist on the ridge
3:45 return to the car park

This event is free but do register via Eventbrite if you can.

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Walterstone: St Mary

The church is open every day and visitors are welcome. There is an information leaflet available to help you find the points of interest; please take it with you as a souvenir of your visit.

There are services and other events at the church every two months or so and everyone is welcome to join in whether they live locally or are visiting the area. 

Please do not send mail to the church. Use the contact details on this website.

Get in touch

Judy Roberts

Trewyn Mill


Our website

What's on

High Places Holy Communion

for 1 hour
Bredwardine: St Andrew
Bredwardine: St Andrew, Church Drive Bredwardine Hereford, HR3 6BT, United Kingdom

Join Bishop Richard on the Black Hill for Holy Communion.

2:45 arrive at car park of south end, Black Hill car park.
Summit is 1/2 mile walk
3:15 Eucharist on the ridge
3:45 return to the car park

This event is free but do register via Eventbrite if you can.

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